Literature Review
The literature review serves as the foundation for the proposed research, which aims to explore the effectiveness of diachronic embeddings for semantic shift tracking in English language data.
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the automatic detection of semantic change. Word embeddings have been particularly popular in this field 1, and were used in various studies to track semantic shift in different languages and domains. Hamilton2 and Dubossarsky3 trained diachronic word embeddings on corpora spanning long periods of time to track changes in word meanings and analyze new semantic laws. There has also been a surge in research on short-term semantic changes, including analysis of Amazon reviews, news articles, and Twitter data 4. While Kutuzov5 used diachronic embeddings to track occurences of events such as armed conflict.
To track semantic shift, a prototypical representation of a word's meanings is needed 6. Giulianelli7 offered a distinction between form-based approaches, where one embedding per word is used to represent all its possible meanings in a certain time period, and sense-based approaches, where contextual embeddings are trained to represent the meaning of a word at each occurence. Hamilton2 and Dubossarsky3 used form-based approaches to train independent Word2Vec embeddings on corpora organized by time periods. They recorded the semantic changepoint and shift score of the target word at different time periods, after aligning their vector spaces. While Kim Yoon 8 used vector initialisation to initialize the embeddings for each word using the embeddings of the previous time period. However, form-based approached have their limitations, especially when dealing with polysemy or words with multiple meanings, as they capture and represent words only through their dominant sense. This paved the way for more advanced models, which embedded words in their contextual habitats, heralding a new era of semantic modeling.
As for sense-based approaches, their ability in delineating relationships between words within a sentence ---particularly leveraging the attention mechanism inherent in the BERT transformer architecture--- has rendered them apt for tracking semantic shifts. Given that such methodologies yield distinct embeddings for each occurence of a word, an aggregation phase is implemented. This phase collates these varied embeddings, particularly when the word is situated in semantically analogous contexts, culminating in a prototypical representation that captures the diverse senses of the word. 4 used contextual BERT transformer embeddings trained on an annotated dictionary corpus to model the distribution of the finite set of senses of target words across time, after taking the average of each word-sense embeddings as a prototypical representation of the word-sense. While 9 used clustering and alignment to aggregate contextual embeddings into seperate identifiable word meanings across time. Recently, 10 employed incremental clustering to gradually cluster the available embeddings from different time steps and avoid alignment.
To measure the shift in meanings of a word, 11 proposed a graded semantic change score based on the Jensen-Shannon distance between the sense clusters distributions. 7 used the average pairwise euclidean distance between the sense clusters instead. 10 employed the cosine similarity between the target word's sense embedding at each time period and the barycenter of the sense cluster at the most recent time period. Others (Eg. 12), used the number of embeddings in each cluster through time as a novelty score, where the maximum ratio is interpreted as the semantic shift score. For form-based approaches, the cosine similarity, between the target's embeddings from different time periods and the most recent embedding, is the most frequently used measure of semantic shift.
Limitations of form-based approaches
Static word embeddings, by their very design, offer a singular representation for each lexeme. This design inherently biases towards a word's dominant or most prevalent sense, effectively sidelining its subordinate or less common senses. The inability to represent multiple senses is a significant drawback, especially in diachronic linguistic studies where a lexeme's subordinate sense in one era might evolve to become its dominant sense in another. When static embeddings are derived using smaller window sizes, the resulting vectors predominantly capture immediate lexical surroundings. The cosine similarity between such embeddings often reveals interchangeability, aligning them closely with synonyms or collocations. However, a purely synonym-based understanding of semantics is reductive. Linguistic studies, grounded in comprehensive semantic frameworks, advocate a more holistic representation of word meanings. This includes not just synonyms but also antonyms, hyponyms, and for verbs, associated agents and roles. Relying solely on synonyms, therefore, results in a myopic semantic perspective, failing to capture the multifaceted nature of lexemes. Conversely, when static embeddings employ larger window sizes, the vectors tend to encapsulate broader contextual relationships rather than the inherent meanings of the words. As a result, words that frequently appear in similar contexts, but aren't necessarily synonymous or interchangeable, exhibit high cosine similarity. Such embeddings, while capturing contextual relationships, can often obfuscate the true semantic nuances of words. They may not necessarily provide insights into the core meanings of lexemes but rather highlight the contexts they're frequently associated with. Static word embeddings, while pioneering and effective for certain applications, exhibit inherent limitations when deployed for detecting semantic shifts. Their singular representations, coupled with the constraints posed by varying window sizes, often result in either an overly narrow or overly broad semantic understanding. For a comprehensive exploration of diachronic semantics, more dynamic and multifaceted approaches are imperative.
Limitations of sense-based approaches
Contextual embeddings, such as those derived from BERT, inherently produce distinct representations for each occurrence of a word based on its specific context. This granularity, while beneficial for tasks requiring context sensitivity, poses challenges for semantic shift detection. The need to aggregate these disparate embeddings becomes paramount to discern and represent the diverse senses a word may adopt. Research such as that by 4 has ventured into average aggregation of these embeddings. While this approach offers a consolidated perspective, it isn't devoid of limitations:
The approach mandates a supervised training of sense embeddings. As a consequence, the possible senses are confined to a pre-established, dictionary-based set. This presents two primary challenges:
- The method is not conducive to detecting the emergence of novel senses over time, instead merely quantifying shifts within the predefined sense distribution.
- The reliance on a predetermined set of senses demands manually labeled data, inherently restricting the approach's scalability and adaptability.
Alternative methods, like the one proposed by 9, employ clustering for aggregation. This approach, however, presents its own set of challenges:
- Cluster alignment is essential to discern consistent word meanings across successive temporal instances. Alternatively, an incremental clustering process is necessitated.
- Algorithms demanding a predefined cluster count ('K') fail to accommodate the detection of novel senses emerging over time.
- Clustering, by its nature, can be influenced by biases inherent in word forms. Addressing this, researchers have proposed clustering refinement techniques. Some methods involve removing or merging clusters with minimal members, while others, as suggested by 10, discard clusters deemed insufficiently informative based on their size relative to the entire embeddings set. However, such refinement techniques, especially in corpora with imbalanced word meanings, must be applied judiciously. Even smaller clusters could be pivotal, offering insights into minority or emerging senses, potentially overlooked when adopting a one-size-fits-all refinement strategy.
Contextual embeddings, while offering depth and granularity, present specific challenges when employed for semantic shift detection. The complexities of aggregation, whether average-based or clustering-based, alongside inherent limitations of supervised and predefined approaches, necessitate an adaptable methodology for accurate and comprehensive semantic analyses.
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William L. Hamilton, Jure Leskovec, and Dan Jurafsky. Diachronic word embeddings reveal statistical laws of semantic change. In Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), 1489–1501. Berlin, Germany, August 2016. Association for Computational Linguistics. URL:, doi:10.18653/v1/P16-1141. ↩↩
Haim Dubossarsky, Daphna Weinshall, and Eitan Grossman. Outta control: laws of semantic change and inherent biases in word representation models. In Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 1136–1145. Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2017. Association for Computational Linguistics. URL:, doi:10.18653/v1/D17-1118. ↩↩
Renfen Hu, Shen Li, and Shichen Liang. Diachronic sense modeling with deep contextualized word embeddings: an ecological view. In Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 3899–3908. Florence, Italy, July 2019. Association for Computational Linguistics. URL:, doi:10.18653/v1/P19-1379. ↩↩↩
Andrey Kutuzov, Erik Velldal, and Lilja Øvrelid. Tracing armed conflicts with diachronic word embedding models. In Proceedings of the Events and Stories in the News Workshop, 31–36. Vancouver, Canada, August 2017. Association for Computational Linguistics. URL:, doi:10.18653/v1/W17-2705. ↩
Stefano Montanelli and Francesco Periti. A survey on contextualised semantic shift detection. 2023. arXiv:2304.01666. ↩
Mario Giulianelli, Marco Del Tredici, and Raquel Fernández. Analysing lexical semantic change with contextualised word representations. In Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 3960–3973. Online, July 2020. Association for Computational Linguistics. URL:, doi:10.18653/v1/2020.acl-main.365. ↩↩
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Francesco Periti, Alfio Ferrara, Stefano Montanelli, and Martin Ruskov. What is done is done: an incremental approach to semantic shift detection. In Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change, 33–43. Dublin, Ireland, May 2022. Association for Computational Linguistics. URL:, doi:10.18653/v1/2022.lchange-1.4. ↩↩↩
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