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This class is used to get the nodes of the word graph.


Name Description

str, dataset: List[str], level: int, k: int, c: int, word2vec_model_path: str, mlm_model_path: str, mlm_model_type: str = 'roberta') The constructor of the Nodes class.


str) -> List[str] This method is used to get the similar nodes of a word.


str) -> List[str] This method is used to get the context nodes of a word.


Dict[str, List[str]]) This method is used to get the features of the nodes of the word graph.

Source code in semantics/graphs/
class Nodes:
    This class is used to get the nodes of the word graph.

        __init__(self, target_word: str, dataset: List[str], level: int, k: int, c: int, word2vec_model_path: str, mlm_model_path: str, mlm_model_type: str = 'roberta')
            The constructor of the Nodes class.
        get_similar_nodes(self, word: str) -> List[str]
            This method is used to get the similar nodes of a word.
        get_context_nodes(self, word: str) -> List[str]
            This method is used to get the context nodes of a word.
        get_nodes(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]
            This method is used to get the nodes of the word graph.
        get_node_features(self, nodes: Dict[str, List[str]])
            This method is used to get the features of the nodes of the word graph.
    def __init__(
            target_word: str,
            dataset: List[str],
            level: int,
            k: int,
            c: int,
            word2vec_model: Word2VecInference,
            mlm_model: Union[RobertaInference, BertInference]

            target_word (str): the word to get the nodes for
            dataset (List[str]): the sentences to get the nodes from
            level (int): the level of the graph to get
            k (int): the number of similar nodes to get for each occurrence of the target word
            c (int): the number of context nodes to get for the target word
            word2vec_model (Word2VecInference): the word2vec model's Inference class
            mlm_model (RobertaInference, BertInference): the MLM model's Inference class

        self.target_word = target_word
        self.dataset = dataset
        self.k = k
        self.c = c
        self.level = level
        self.word2vec = word2vec_model
        self.mlm = mlm_model

    def get_similar_nodes(self, word: str, keep_k: int = 50) -> List[str]:
        This method is used to get the similar nodes of a word using the MLM model.

            word (str): the word to get the similar nodes for
            keep_k (int): the number of similar nodes to keep for each occurrence of the word. Default: 50.

            similar_nodes (List[str]): the list of similar nodes of the word
        print(f'Getting the similar nodes of the word: ')
        progress_bar = tqdm.tqdm(
        similar_nodes = []
        for sentence in self.dataset:
            similar_nodes += self.mlm.get_top_k_words(word, sentence, self.k)

        similar_nodes = list(set(similar_nodes))
        similar_nodes = most_frequent(similar_nodes, keep_k)
        print(f'{len(similar_nodes)} similar nodes found.', '\n')
        return similar_nodes

    def get_context_nodes(self, word: str) -> List[str]:
        This method is used to get the context nodes of a word using the word2vec model.

            word (str): the word to get the context nodes for

            context_nodes (List[str]): the list of context nodes of the word
        print(f'Getting the context nodes of the word "{word}" ...')
        context_nodes, _ = self.word2vec.get_top_k_words(word, self.c)

        print(f'{len(list(set(context_nodes)))} context nodes found.', '\n')
        return list(set(context_nodes))

    def get_nodes(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
        This method is used to get the nodes of the word graph (similar nodes, context nodes, and target node).

            nodes (Dict[str, List[str]]): the nodes of the word graph
        nodes = {'target_node': [], 'similar_nodes': [], 'context_nodes': []}
        for level in range(self.level):
            print(f'Getting the nodes of level {level} ...')
            if level == 0:
                similar_nodes = self.get_similar_nodes(self.target_word, keep_k= 5)
                context_nodes = self.get_context_nodes(self.target_word)


                similar_nodes = []
                context_nodes = []
                for word in nodes['similar_nodes'][level-1]:
                    similar_nodes += self.get_similar_nodes(word, keep_k= 5)
                    context_nodes += self.get_context_nodes(word)

                for word in nodes['context_nodes'][level-1]:
                    similar_nodes += self.get_similar_nodes(word, keep_k= 5)
                    context_nodes += self.get_context_nodes(word)

        return nodes

    def get_node_features(self, nodes: Dict[str, List[str]]):
        This method is used to get the features of the nodes of the word graph.

            nodes (Dict[str, List[str]]): the nodes of the word graph

            index (Dict[str, Dict[int, str]]): the index of the nodes of the word graph. The index contains the 'index_to_key' and 'key_to_index' mapping dictionaries. Example: in the index_to_key dictionary {0: target_word}, and in the key_to_index dictionary {target_word: 0}.
            node_features (np.ndarray): the features of the nodes of the word graph of shape (num_nodes, 3) where num_nodes is the number of nodes in the graph. The features are:

                - node_type: the type of the node (target: 0, similar: 1, context: 2).

                - node_level: the level of the node in the graph. The target node is level 0.

                - frequency: the frequency of the word node in the dataset.
            embeddings (np.ndarray): the embeddings of the nodes of the word graph from the MLM model, of shape (num_nodes, 768).

            >>> word2vec = Word2VecInference('word2vec.model')
            >>> mlm = RobertaInference('MLM_roberta')
            >>> n = Nodes(target_word='sentence', dataset=['this is a sentence', 'this is another sentence'], level=3, k=2, c=2, word2vec_model = word2vec, mlm_model = mlm)
            >>> nodes = n.get_nodes()
            >>> index, node_features, embeddings = n.get_node_features(nodes)
            >>> print(index)
            {'index_to_key': {0: 'sentence', 1: 'this', 2: 'is', 3: 'a', 4: 'another'}, 'key_to_index': {'sentence': 0, 'this': 1, 'is': 2, 'a': 3, 'another': 4}
            >>> print(node_features)
            [[0, 0, 2], [1, 1, 2], [1, 1, 2], [1, 1, 2], [2, 1, 2]]
            >>> print(embeddings.shape)
            (5, 768)
        index_to_key = {}
        key_to_index = {}
        node_types = []
        node_levels = []
        frequencies = []
        embeddings = []
        count = 0
        for node_type in ['target_node', 'similar_nodes', 'context_nodes']:
            for level in range(len(nodes[node_type])):
                for node in nodes[node_type][level]:
                    index_to_key[count] = node
                    key_to_index[node] = count
                    count += 1 
                    if node_type == 'target_node':
                    elif node_type == 'similar_nodes':
                    frequencies.append(count_occurence(self.dataset, node))

        embeddings = np.array(embeddings)
        node_features = np.stack([node_types, node_levels, frequencies]).T
        # node_features = np.concatenate((node_features, embeddings), axis=1)

        index = {'index_to_key': index_to_key, 'key_to_index': key_to_index}
        return index, node_features, embeddings

__init__(target_word, dataset, level, k, c, word2vec_model, mlm_model)


Name Type Description Default
target_word str

the word to get the nodes for

dataset List[str]

the sentences to get the nodes from

level int

the level of the graph to get

k int

the number of similar nodes to get for each occurrence of the target word

c int

the number of context nodes to get for the target word

word2vec_model Word2VecInference

the word2vec model's Inference class

mlm_model (RobertaInference, BertInference)

the MLM model's Inference class

Source code in semantics/graphs/
def __init__(
        target_word: str,
        dataset: List[str],
        level: int,
        k: int,
        c: int,
        word2vec_model: Word2VecInference,
        mlm_model: Union[RobertaInference, BertInference]

        target_word (str): the word to get the nodes for
        dataset (List[str]): the sentences to get the nodes from
        level (int): the level of the graph to get
        k (int): the number of similar nodes to get for each occurrence of the target word
        c (int): the number of context nodes to get for the target word
        word2vec_model (Word2VecInference): the word2vec model's Inference class
        mlm_model (RobertaInference, BertInference): the MLM model's Inference class

    self.target_word = target_word
    self.dataset = dataset
    self.k = k
    self.c = c
    self.level = level
    self.word2vec = word2vec_model
    self.mlm = mlm_model


This method is used to get the context nodes of a word using the word2vec model.


Name Type Description Default
word str

the word to get the context nodes for



Name Type Description
context_nodes List[str]

the list of context nodes of the word

Source code in semantics/graphs/
def get_context_nodes(self, word: str) -> List[str]:
    This method is used to get the context nodes of a word using the word2vec model.

        word (str): the word to get the context nodes for

        context_nodes (List[str]): the list of context nodes of the word
    print(f'Getting the context nodes of the word "{word}" ...')
    context_nodes, _ = self.word2vec.get_top_k_words(word, self.c)

    print(f'{len(list(set(context_nodes)))} context nodes found.', '\n')
    return list(set(context_nodes))


This method is used to get the features of the nodes of the word graph.


Name Type Description Default
nodes Dict[str, List[str]]

the nodes of the word graph



Name Type Description
index Dict[str, Dict[int, str]]

the index of the nodes of the word graph. The index contains the 'index_to_key' and 'key_to_index' mapping dictionaries. Example: in the index_to_key dictionary {0: target_word}, and in the key_to_index dictionary {target_word: 0}.

node_features ndarray

the features of the nodes of the word graph of shape (num_nodes, 3) where num_nodes is the number of nodes in the graph. The features are:

  • node_type: the type of the node (target: 0, similar: 1, context: 2).

  • node_level: the level of the node in the graph. The target node is level 0.

  • frequency: the frequency of the word node in the dataset.

embeddings ndarray

the embeddings of the nodes of the word graph from the MLM model, of shape (num_nodes, 768).


>>> word2vec = Word2VecInference('word2vec.model')
>>> mlm = RobertaInference('MLM_roberta')
>>> n = Nodes(target_word='sentence', dataset=['this is a sentence', 'this is another sentence'], level=3, k=2, c=2, word2vec_model = word2vec, mlm_model = mlm)
>>> nodes = n.get_nodes()
>>> index, node_features, embeddings = n.get_node_features(nodes)
>>> print(index)
{'index_to_key': {0: 'sentence', 1: 'this', 2: 'is', 3: 'a', 4: 'another'}, 'key_to_index': {'sentence': 0, 'this': 1, 'is': 2, 'a': 3, 'another': 4}
>>> print(node_features)
[[0, 0, 2], [1, 1, 2], [1, 1, 2], [1, 1, 2], [2, 1, 2]]
>>> print(embeddings.shape)
(5, 768)
Source code in semantics/graphs/
def get_node_features(self, nodes: Dict[str, List[str]]):
    This method is used to get the features of the nodes of the word graph.

        nodes (Dict[str, List[str]]): the nodes of the word graph

        index (Dict[str, Dict[int, str]]): the index of the nodes of the word graph. The index contains the 'index_to_key' and 'key_to_index' mapping dictionaries. Example: in the index_to_key dictionary {0: target_word}, and in the key_to_index dictionary {target_word: 0}.
        node_features (np.ndarray): the features of the nodes of the word graph of shape (num_nodes, 3) where num_nodes is the number of nodes in the graph. The features are:

            - node_type: the type of the node (target: 0, similar: 1, context: 2).

            - node_level: the level of the node in the graph. The target node is level 0.

            - frequency: the frequency of the word node in the dataset.
        embeddings (np.ndarray): the embeddings of the nodes of the word graph from the MLM model, of shape (num_nodes, 768).

        >>> word2vec = Word2VecInference('word2vec.model')
        >>> mlm = RobertaInference('MLM_roberta')
        >>> n = Nodes(target_word='sentence', dataset=['this is a sentence', 'this is another sentence'], level=3, k=2, c=2, word2vec_model = word2vec, mlm_model = mlm)
        >>> nodes = n.get_nodes()
        >>> index, node_features, embeddings = n.get_node_features(nodes)
        >>> print(index)
        {'index_to_key': {0: 'sentence', 1: 'this', 2: 'is', 3: 'a', 4: 'another'}, 'key_to_index': {'sentence': 0, 'this': 1, 'is': 2, 'a': 3, 'another': 4}
        >>> print(node_features)
        [[0, 0, 2], [1, 1, 2], [1, 1, 2], [1, 1, 2], [2, 1, 2]]
        >>> print(embeddings.shape)
        (5, 768)
    index_to_key = {}
    key_to_index = {}
    node_types = []
    node_levels = []
    frequencies = []
    embeddings = []
    count = 0
    for node_type in ['target_node', 'similar_nodes', 'context_nodes']:
        for level in range(len(nodes[node_type])):
            for node in nodes[node_type][level]:
                index_to_key[count] = node
                key_to_index[node] = count
                count += 1 
                if node_type == 'target_node':
                elif node_type == 'similar_nodes':
                frequencies.append(count_occurence(self.dataset, node))

    embeddings = np.array(embeddings)
    node_features = np.stack([node_types, node_levels, frequencies]).T
    # node_features = np.concatenate((node_features, embeddings), axis=1)

    index = {'index_to_key': index_to_key, 'key_to_index': key_to_index}
    return index, node_features, embeddings


This method is used to get the nodes of the word graph (similar nodes, context nodes, and target node).


Name Type Description
nodes Dict[str, List[str]]

the nodes of the word graph

Source code in semantics/graphs/
def get_nodes(self) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
    This method is used to get the nodes of the word graph (similar nodes, context nodes, and target node).

        nodes (Dict[str, List[str]]): the nodes of the word graph
    nodes = {'target_node': [], 'similar_nodes': [], 'context_nodes': []}
    for level in range(self.level):
        print(f'Getting the nodes of level {level} ...')
        if level == 0:
            similar_nodes = self.get_similar_nodes(self.target_word, keep_k= 5)
            context_nodes = self.get_context_nodes(self.target_word)


            similar_nodes = []
            context_nodes = []
            for word in nodes['similar_nodes'][level-1]:
                similar_nodes += self.get_similar_nodes(word, keep_k= 5)
                context_nodes += self.get_context_nodes(word)

            for word in nodes['context_nodes'][level-1]:
                similar_nodes += self.get_similar_nodes(word, keep_k= 5)
                context_nodes += self.get_context_nodes(word)

    return nodes

get_similar_nodes(word, keep_k=50)

This method is used to get the similar nodes of a word using the MLM model.


Name Type Description Default
word str

the word to get the similar nodes for

keep_k int

the number of similar nodes to keep for each occurrence of the word. Default: 50.



Name Type Description
similar_nodes List[str]

the list of similar nodes of the word

Source code in semantics/graphs/
def get_similar_nodes(self, word: str, keep_k: int = 50) -> List[str]:
    This method is used to get the similar nodes of a word using the MLM model.

        word (str): the word to get the similar nodes for
        keep_k (int): the number of similar nodes to keep for each occurrence of the word. Default: 50.

        similar_nodes (List[str]): the list of similar nodes of the word
    print(f'Getting the similar nodes of the word: ')
    progress_bar = tqdm.tqdm(
    similar_nodes = []
    for sentence in self.dataset:
        similar_nodes += self.mlm.get_top_k_words(word, sentence, self.k)

    similar_nodes = list(set(similar_nodes))
    similar_nodes = most_frequent(similar_nodes, keep_k)
    print(f'{len(similar_nodes)} similar nodes found.', '\n')
    return similar_nodes